Our Internal Clients

by John Keyser

I had a wonderful conversation with a vice president of human resources last week. I was so taken by her sincere commitment to the people of her company. Every day, she walks around and says “Good morning” and has a brief conversation with every employee. Yes, each and every employee, whatever their position.

By the way, Marge told me that one person does not speak English, so she gives him a welcoming smile, and no surprise, he smiles back.

Of course, this would be impossible for a medium size or large company. Yet, the message is still relevant, very much so. This executive is modeling an appreciative and selfless attitude and behavior. She values the people of her company, wants them to know that they are appreciated and valued and has a relationship with each of them.

Imagine the energy and improved spirit if we walked around each morning, or at least each day, and spoke even briefly to each of our team members?

While Marge is vice president of human resources, her approach and performance should be modeled by all of us, from CEO to team leader.

Whatever our field, we are in a people business and our relationships with our team members and other colleagues matter greatly. Please, let’s consider them our internal clients.

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