Resolution for 2015


by John Keyser

May I offer a suggestion for our New Year’s resolution? Let’s we connect with our people!

By “connect with our people,” I mean let’s:

  • Think of our co-workers as teammates
  • Ask our teammates for their input, ideas, advice and feedback
  • Ask our teammates how we can help them do their very best work
  • Assure our teammates that they are important members of our team and that they and we recognize and appreciate their hard work and dedication
  • Convey to our teammates that we are there to help, teach and coach them as they advance and succeed
  • Realize that we gain our satisfaction and success from the satisfaction and success of our team members and that our agenda is their agenda

This may be easier said than done. Here are a few suggestions of steps we can take in the new year to connect with our people.

Certainly the fact that we are so busy attending meetings, receiving texts and taking calls presents a challenge, no question. However, let’s examine the time we spend in meetings and commit to spending less. Ask regular meeting attendees, How can we reduce the frequency of our meetings and make them shorter and more efficient? Spending too much time in meetings is a problem, and a problem discussed is a problem half solved.

Next, let’s get out of our offices and walk the floors. Let’s check in with people, ask how they are doing, ask for their ideas, ask what could help them. While doing so, let’s listen consciously to learn and understand. Make sure to take notes and thank your team members for sharing their ideas.

Let’s make 2015 the year of connecting with our people and empowering them to do the work and deliver in the best ways possible the service of our company.

We can do this if we have the humility and inner confidence to be servant leaders!

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