Meaningful Holiday Gifts

Whatever our religious persuasions and, more importantly, our spirituality, this is the season of giving to others. I don’t mean it’s a time to stress over, “I have to give to this person and that person,” and, “Is my gift nice enough, or stylish enough, or worse, expensive enough?”

I hope we all took some time this past week when our business lives generally slowed down a bit to give ourselves the gift of reflection and appreciation. They are treasures. Many of my heroes and heroines in business are people who can slow down, relax and reflect. They have time for kindness, to be nice to others, to listen to others. They have time for conversations.

I think of a friend of mine, a woman in a senior position in a large company, who recently discussed a problem over the phone with her Executive Vice President. It was decided they best meet in person.  My friend said she’d come right up to his office, and he replied, “No stay there; I’ll come to your office.” My friend was taken by his demonstration of humility. It meant so much to her. His gift? Helping a colleague feel important.

I have another friend who recently told me she is so appreciative of the senior partner in her consulting firm who will stop in her office, have a seat, ask her how she is doing, what she working on and how things are going. He gives her his undivided attention, even if it’s only a short conversation. His gift? He cares about his colleagues.

My friend who heads a public policy consulting firms knows the people with whom she works matter greatly, and she wants to be her best self as a leader, i.e., to help her colleagues learn, grow and success. She is there to serve her colleagues. Her gift?  She strives for continuous improvement as a leader.

Another heroine heads an important new venture. She has a quiet confidence in herself and in her colleagues. Her calm leadership is a great strength.  She helps people feel special, that they can achieve greatness. Her gift? Inspiration.

These gifts are so much more meaningful than store-bought presents. These gifts touch others and help people feel good about themselves and aspire to be even better in the their careers.

Want to know what to give others?  Just think about your leadership and about asking others for their ideas. Think about how you can help them, listen purposefully, show your appreciation, celebrate even small successes, and be encouraging and respectful to everyone.

These are the very most meaningful gifts a true leader can offer.

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