Do We Find Significance in Our Careers?

People often speak with me about their careers. I am quick to point out that by training and practice I am a business leadership coach, my specialties are helping people become successful in their business and as leaders, and that I am not a career coach.

Caveat aside, I find that I can help these individuals because they are really seeking a thinking partner who can help them sort through their career thoughts, thoughts which are definitely related to their success in business and as leaders.

In each of these cases, the concern is that they are feeling guilty, really a bit empty, as they are working long hours and are focused on being successful, making a good living. These people seem to feel a strong pang because they are not out in their community as much as they would like – touching people's lives, helping those in need, making a difference – for it is helping others that truly makes them feel good about themselves!

As a coach, my goal is my client's goal. I have no agenda. In cases where individuals seem to be lacking a sense of fulfillment, I try to open windows of thinking by asking about the importance of doing a great job in their fields, and how they feel about their achievements and leadership. How important are the financial rewards they receive from their work?

In today's world there is no easy way to make a living. The theme for about the past twenty years has been to get more output from fewer employees. No question, there are huge time and engagement demands, and lots of stress on ambitious people today.

Balance in our lives is essential. Heavy work demands are not likely to change, and so we have to find quality time for our other very important priorities – family, friends, and our physical and spiritual lives.

Our discussions often lead to the importance of significance and how we find it.

We can all make a difference in people's lives, one person at a time!

How great is it to smile at people, help them feel good about themselves, be encouraging, help them succeed, help them better themselves, whether that be through financial assistance, maybe, or perhaps by our offering advice and showing that we care, perhaps a small gift, a token of friendship, a pat on the back, a good word.

I am all for people joining charitable organizations, enlisting in worthy causes, making that our life's journey – if we are in a position to do that. If not, than let's be the best we can be in our current business. No matter what field we’re in, we can find people we love working with, and enjoy the satisfaction of being a success, treating people well, helping them succeed, and letting them know how much we care. Could this be significance?

Recognizing that making a good living is important to a whole lot of us, my call to action this week is to be purposeful in helping others, in even in small ways – by smiling, by asking, by listening, by encouraging, by caring, and by knowing that each of us is a leader, as helping just one person do the next right thing is leadership. Even though we work long hours, we can still we can make a difference in peoples lives.

Let's think about how we feel when we do help others, even in small ways, and let them know we care.

I hope we'll all find greater satisfaction and greater significance in our work and our lives.

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