Communication and Relationships When Working Remotely

Our business world is changing and evolving, and now very much so with the COVID-19 virus. So much communication is electronic, people are working remotely, and meetings are virtual. While at some point in the future this will gradually change, we won’t go back to where we were.

We must remember that whatever our field, we are a people business – and relationships matter greatly! Our success depends on the quality of our relationships with our clients and with our team members and other colleagues.

We are not face-to-face present with our manager, team members, direct reports, and other colleagues. Yet, it remains absolutely essential that we must earn their respect, trust, and have constructive, helpful working relationships.

Even with electronic communications, we must make time to have one-on-one conversations by phone, Face Time, or Zoom on a regular basis. These are critically important. Conversations are how we develop solid relationships – by our attentive and conscious listening, reflecting back what we are hearing, asking purposeful questions, being curious, asking how we may help, and letting the person know we care about them and their wellbeing.

Wholesome relationships are earned with our sincerity, our caring, tone of voice, and our character values.

Establishing and maintaining great relationships with those with whom we work are difference makers. When people enjoy working together, whether for, or with, or overseeing others, work gets done better, is easier, and is more satisfying.

I used to say “walk the halls”, while now it is “pick up the phone”. Let people know we genuinely care about them and how they are doing.

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