Bridging Our Principles With Our Actions


by John Keyser

I just watched the new movie, Bridge of Spies, directed by Steven Spielberg with a terrific cast, including Tom Hanks as the lead actor. It’s based on true events during the 1950s extremely tense Cold War between the U.S. and Russia.

I was riveted – especially by Jim Donovan’s character, played by Hanks. Donovan is an attorney from Brooklyn, with a NYC law firm. The firm is asked to represent a suspected Russian spy, and the managing partner of the firm gives this very unpopular assignment to Donovan. There is tremendous pressure to put this alleged spy to death, without due process.

Donovan seems an ordinary man – he is a quiet person who shows no bravado or personal agenda. Yet he is extraordinary. His strong character and his values guide him throughout his challenging journey with officials from the CIA, Russia and East Germany as well as the U.S. general public.

Jim Donovan is a stand up person! He simply wants to do what he knows deep down in his heart is right.

Isn’t that how we should be as leaders? Yes, true leaders are committed to lead with our hearts, to do what we know is right, quietly, without a spotlight on ourselves. Warren G. Bennis, a true pioneer of leadership studies, states, “Managers do things right.

Leaders do the right thing.” Tom Hanks’ character Donovan went way beyond what was expected of him. He searched within his heart and did the right thing!

May we all follow this example of true leadership.

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