Leading from the Heart

by Kathleen DuBois

I asked Kathleen DuBois to be my guest leader, both this week and last, as I have enormous respect for her own leadership, positive attitude and care for others.  She accomplishes so much, successfully, and always putting her clients and others first.  A few of her great strengths are her humility coupled with inner confidence and her enthusiasm and creativity.

Leadership is not a title … it’s a calling unleashed from within.

Most people think of leaders as being elected officials or senior level persons in their organization. The truth is that our world is filled with countless unsung leaders who grace our presence every day. As an example, teachers, school bus drivers, business mentors and parents are all powerful leaders who influence others.

U.S. President John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

In my mind, true leadership stems from the heart with a desire to create positive change. A leader can be someone of any age.

I recently mentored four Chinese college students who volunteered to cook for 60 residents of a homeless shelter. They diligently planned the menu and grocery shopped. It was a sight to watch them prepare the multi-course meal as if they were cooking for royalty. I could clearly observe that each of these students wanted to make a difference by helping those less fortunate. Their leadership abilities were primed. These students inspired and intrigued the shelter residents, who currently have no place to call home.

Over the years, I have come to realize that leaders share certain characteristics. They have:

  1. Vision
  2. Curiosity—they like to ask “Why?”
  3. The ability to think independently
  4. A strong desire from within to inspire others

Successful leaders have the discipline to focus on things they’re great at and love to do. This allows them to maximize their positive influence in the world.

Leaders continually work to be their best. They have passion, surround themselves with the right people, set personal and professional goals, and seek out mentors and coaches. And they look for opportunities to take others to a higher level. Author and speaker, Bob Burg said, “Your ability to influence is based on how effectively you place other people’s interests before your own.”

Everyone at any age has the potential to be an influential leader. It simply requires an open your heart and an intentional game plan that takes others to a higher level. Think about it.


About Kathleen DuBois

Kathleen DuBoisKathleen DuBois is an entrepreneur, author and leadership coach. She is president of Progressity, Inc., a strategic marketing and graphic design firm with offices in Washington, DC and Charleston, West Virginia. Check out the firm at www.progressity.com.